Considerations Regarding the Management of Water Mine Water Drainage Discharges in Natural Receptors, from the Baia-Mare Former Mining Area


Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Seria Ambientum, 59(1-2), 87-96 (2014) .


After more than a decade from the cessation of mining activity throughout Romania, acid mine drainage management has remained topical. The high content of heavy metals in mine water threatens the quality of surface water and groundwater, and thus the soil. Therefore, it is important to find suitable solutions to control the discharge of this water into the natural receptors, so that the environment is minimum damaged.
This paper presents the situation of five mines in Baia-Mare area, Maramureș County (Câmpurele, Tyuzoșa, Ilba Handal – near Băița village, the gallery in the central area of Cavnic and Reiner gallery from the same town) as it is in 2013, both in terms of water treatment applied methods after the evacuation from the mine galleries, and the parameters values of water samples from these five mines.

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