
Epistemio focuses on improving the assessment of scientific publications and the management of institutional lists of publications.


Epistemio has been founded by Răzvan Valentin Florian. After graduating in Physics from the University of Paris-Sud and after several research internships, including ones at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and Riken Brain Science Institute, he came back to his native Romania to pursue research in computational neuroscience. Besides developing several new learning rules for spiking neural networks, he co-founded the Ad Astra association of Romanian scientists. The association eventually became a leader of advocacy efforts for reforming the country’s scientific system, as covered, among others, by Science. He was later appointed as secretary of the commission advising the president of Romania on science policy. As an advisor for science to the minister of education and research, he contributed to major reforms of the country’s higher education and research, which Nature editorialists characterized as “exemplary laws and structures for science”. He learned from these experiences that the tools and processess that are typically used in science assessment are suboptimal, as compared to what current information technologies can enable, and started Epistemio to improve this situation.


National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation

Epistemio has been supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CNDI – UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0895.

Babeș-Bolyai University

Epistemio collaborates with a team of scientists led by Mária Ercsey-Ravasz at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania for developing new, better scientometric indicators and methods for their cross-field normalization.


Epistemio has been supported by Microsoft's BizSpark and BizSpark Plus programmes.

SoftLayer, an IBM company

Epistemio was supported by the SoftLayer Catalyst Startup Program.


Epistemio is an Enhanced CMS Affiliate of Crossref, the organization for scholarly publishing that manages the Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for scientific publications.


Epistemio was among the first 20 members of ORCID, the open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.

Larta Institute

Epistemio was supported, in the framework RICAP programme, by advisors of Larta Institute, an organization specialized in providing commercialization assistance to entrepreneurs who start businessess based on the results of R&D grants from US government agencies.

Corporate information

Epistemio LTD
Company no. 07763047
20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU, UK

Epistemio Systems SRL
Company code 28971836, registered under no. J12/2073/2011, capital stock 50,000 lei
Str. Saturn nr. 26, 400504 Cluj-Napoca, Romania