Statistical Approach to Predict the Ischemic Heart Disease

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SSRN Electronic Journal, 16(1 SI) (2010) .


Objectives: The objectives of this study were to see the degree of dependency of Ischemic Heart Disease (I.H.D) on dif- ferent risk factors and to develop a model to predict the probabilities of I.H.D in various situations. Study Design: This was a retrospective study. Setting: The data was taken from the Department of Cardiology Mayo Hospital Lahore. Total Number of Patients: The record of 364 patients was taken who presented first time for coronary angiography at the Department of Cardiology Mayo Hospital Lahore. Methods: Data was analyzed using SPSS 16. The age of patient’s was presented in form of Mean ± S.E. Binary Logistic Regression Model was used to estimate the probabilities of Ischemic Heart Disease (I.H.D). Odds Ratio was used to see the role of risk factors. Results: Among 60.7% male and 39.3% female, the average age was 50.33± 0.61 years. In this study; Age, Gender, Body Mass Index, Smoking History, Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension contributed to develop I.H.D. Conclusion: Our study has shown that the risk of IHD increases with advancing age and low socioeconomic status significantly. The other factors like (smoking, Obesity, diabetes and hypertension) enhance the disease but are not significant.

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