The reciclyng of the wastes provided of auto batteries in lead glasses

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Ştiinţă şi Inginerie, XIV. Editura AGIR, Bucureşti (2014, June 6) .

Editura AGIR, Bucureşti


The purpose of this paper was i) to obtained the lead glasses with the xPb∙(100-x)PbO2 composition where x=0-15mol% Pb by melt quenching method and ii) to characterized of the structural and optical properties of the obtained glasses by investigations of FTIR and UV-VIS spectroscopy in order to possible applications in the auto battery recycling.
FTIR data show that the accommodation of the host glass with excess of metallic lead was possible by the conversion of some [PbO6] octahedral structural units into [PbOn] structural units where n=3 and 4. Then, the increase of the metallic lead high content in the matrix network will produce to the deficiency of non-bridging oxygens and the formation of UV-VIS bands in region centered at about 300nm which can be attributed to the electronic transitions of the lead ions

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