Management of water bodies in show caves – A microbial approach

, , , , , , , ,

Tourism Management, 78, 104037 (2020) .


The aim of this study was to monitor factors affecting the microorganisms of water bodies in caves and apply the findings to improve their management. Four show-caves in Romania were sampled monthly to obtain an overview of the changes occurring in the fungal and bacterial communities of cave waters in relation to surface and underground impacts. Test plates were used for microbiological monitoring, alongside the recording of environmental parameters - physicochemical, drip rates, and number of both bats and tourists. A higher number of microbes were obtained during springtime and the summer tourist peak-season. None of the identified strains were cave-specific, and the presence of human-associated taxa was observed from all of the sites. A lack of significant correlation between the abundances of the microorganisms and the physicochemical parameters of the water emphasise the reliability of microorganisms as significant proxies for impacts on underground environments and their use in management decisions.

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