Thiocyanate and fluoride electrochemical sensors based on nanostructurated metalloporphyrin systems

, , , ,

Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 10(9), 2303-2306 (2008) .


Metalloporphyrins such as Rh(lll)TPPCI and Zr(IV)TPPCl2 [1] were used as ionophores to prepare nanostructurated polymeric membrane sensors for thiocyanate and fluoride. Results from potentiometric experiments suggest the optimal membrane composition with these molecular systems [2] which is essential to improve the selectivity and the stability of the potentiometric response of the sensors. Sensors prepared exhibit rapid, fully reversible and Nernstian response towards thiocyanate and fluoride, in the large concentration range Two functional model of the sensors with internal solid contact and internal liquid (filling solution) contact were elaborated and tested. Their optimal construction is simple and robust enough. The sensors were successfully tested for monitoring thiocyanate and fluoride.

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