Chemical study of the carbon dioxide influence on cultural heritage

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(M. E. I. P. D. , B. , I., Eds.) (First.). Bologna, Italy: Proceedings of The 4th European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences “4ECCLS (2011) .

Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Divission, Bologna, ItalyProceedings of The 4th European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences “4ECCLS


A short chemical study of the carbon dioxide influence on cultural heritage is presented.
The CO2 concentration of the solutions used in the chemical study was determined with a CO2 electrochemical sensor. Were registered linear voltammograms and impedance spectra for the CO2 which present a variation with CO2, (CO3 2-) concentration from the solutions.
We try to simulate a polluted environment for the building materials used at monuments (in this case, limestone-CaCO3). To estimate the decay process we present X-ray Powder diffractions which determine the initial mineralogical content of the limestone and the mineralogical content after the chemical reactions with the solutions.

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