Imobilization of the radioactive wastes in vitreous systems on the base of lead

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XIV, Ştiinţă şi Inginerie. Editura AGIR, Bucuresti (2014, June 6) .

Editura AGIR, Bucuresti


Immobilization of radioactive wastes by the vitrification method is a well established process that was selected because glass is highly stable, very durable and has the ability to incorporate a wide variety of chemical contaminants. In this work, we propose a study of the structural and behavior properties of lead glasses with xGd2O3∙(100-x)[4PbO2∙Pb] composition where x=0-50%mol Gd2O3 in view of the possible applications as alternative of immobilization of the radioactive wastes.
One of the most important requirements for the technology used in the immobilization of nuclear wastes is to include as much as possible waste per unit mass of the host vitreous matrix. We were synthesized the gadolinium-lead glasses up to 50% mole Gd2O3. EPR data suggest that the gadolinium ions at high contents have a behavior of network former and not network modifier

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