Considerations Regarding The Management Of Non-Compliant Landfills And Their Impact On The Environment In Cluj County

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Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Seria Ambientum, 59(1-2), 63-70 (2014) .


Waste management policy benefits nowadays from a major importance both internationally and nationally, being subjected to constant improvements. Also, the impact on the quality of the environmental factors and on human health leads to the special attention that waste management benefits from on a global level.
The current approach on the issue emerges from the current situation of the municipal waste landfills in Romania. The implementation of viable solutions becomes a complex problem due to the landfill disposal, being considered the last stage in the life cycle assessment of waste and also the less environmental friendly method.
This paper aims to identify and evaluate the state of non-compliant municipal waste landfills in Cluj County, in order to assess the environmental impact. The conducted study shows that a number of 6 waste landfills were stated as being non-compliant. It is noted the lack of a waste landfill deposit compliant with the legislation in force, since over 95% of the waste collected on national level ends up being stored.

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