Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of the Stress-Strain Curves of Sheet Metals by Hydraulic Bulge Tests

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(J. R. Duflou, R. Clarke, M. Merklein, F. Micari, B. SHirvani, K. Kellens, et al., Eds.) SHEET METAL 2011. LAUBLSRUTISTR 24, CH-8717 STAFA-ZURICH, SWITZERLAND: TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD (2011) .

J RDuflouRClarkeMMerkleinFMicariBSHirvaniKKellensTRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD


This paper presents a new methodology for the determination of the biaxial stress - strain curves by hydraulic bulging tests with circular die. In order to validate the methodology, the authors have performed both stepwise and continuous bulging experiments. The pressure, polar height and curvature radius have been measured in different stages of the deformation process or continuously recorded during the test.

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