Laying some weight on cultural awareness when learning Swedish

Educatia 21, (9) (2011) .


This research paper focuses on the relevancy of developing the learners’ cultural awareness in the
context of learning Swedish as an optional course. The course is offered by the Faculty of Letters in
Cluj-Napoca and it is attended by various learners (both enrolled students or adults) who want to
acquire knowledge of Swedish. The reason for choosing an optional course for this research is that the
learners come from various backgrounds, have different ages and expectations as regards Swedish.
There has been conducted a qualitative research in order to obtain specific information regarding the
way in which the teaching materials and the students’ own background and mentality enable or hinder
the development of cultural awareness. The results obtained reflect the students’ understanding of
learning Swedish by focusing on cultural awareness. In order to reach some conclusions different teaching materials and different teaching activities have been analyzed.

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  • Laying some weight on cultural awareness when learning Swedish
    100 98 0
  • Laying some weight on cultural awareness when learning Swedish
    100 88 0
100 93 0 2 2


  • Good paper ...

  • 1

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