Assessment of air environmental factor pollution to the steelmaking

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(“gheorghe A. ” T. U. O. J., Eds.) Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, Section: CONSTRUCTION. ARCHITECTURE,, LVII (LXI)(3), 113-118 (2011) .

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Jassy


The steelmaking process in the electric arc furnace causes
environmental pollution in all its components: water, air and soil. The electric
arc furnace steelmaking is considered to be an industrial process with high
degree of pollution because the following pollutants are transferred in the air
environment factor: carbon oxide, sulphur oxide, nitrogen oxide, volatile organic
compounds, particulate matter, dioxins and furans. The purpose of the paper
constitutes the assessment of air environmental factor pollution to the
steelmaking in the electric arc furnace. Are presented the results regarding the
gaseous emission concentration emitted at the carbon steelmaking from an
electric arc furnace. The results were interpreted and compared with
concentrations of gaseous emissions existing in the environmental protection
standards. According the data obtained, steelmaking process has a negative
impact on the air environment factor, so it is necessary to find solutions to
decrease the pollutant concentrations.

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