OpenFlow-Based Implementation of a Gearbox-Like Routing Algorithm Selection in Runtime

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ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, 55(2), 23-32 (2014) .


This paper aims to prove using an OpenFlow-based testbed that a real gearbox-like routing algorithm selection in runtime is feasible. The proper selection and interworking of flow forwarding schemes for Infrastructure and Service Providers may lead to enhanced performances. Limited resources and/or a partial topology are shared by the owner of the network with the service producer, based on a real-time evaluation of the status using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm for single path and the Ford-Fulkerson for multipath routing. At its level, the Service Provider decides the best forwarding scheme involving the Modified Dijkstra’s algorithm and, whenever multipath is needed, the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm. However due to ownership, security issues, and the business models agreed nowadays, only the Infrastructure Providers are actually performing the routing according to own rules (for its users or in case of emergency) and on behalf of Service Providers, according to their rules. Other combinations of algorithms for the existing or new coming types of providers (e.g. for virtual service infrastructure) can be easily tested now in the proposed software-defined networking tool.

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