Menopause Rodent Models: Suitability for Cognitive Aging Research

, , , , , ,

International Medical Journal, 26(6), 450-452 (2019) .


Background: Recently published findings noted that women suffer from Alzheimer disease, a form of neurodegenerative disorder, more often than men, even accounting for the fact that women on average live longer. Objective: Menopause rodent model may be an invaluable tool for assessing longitudinal effects of hormones and aging, as well as providing access to body tissues especially brain, from which insight into the mechanisms related to cognitive aging and Alzheimer disease can be gleaned. Method: This review highlights the suitability and limitations of using menopause rodent models for cognitive aging research. Conclusion: Intact aging and OVX animals mimic natural and surgical menopause, respectively, hence making them suitable menopause models for cognitive aging research after taking into account their limitations.

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