Ex-vivo Hair Growth Promotion Efficacy of Biofield Energy Treated Williams Medium E using Vibrissae Hair Follicle Organ Culture


Global Journal of Medical Research: K Interdisciplinary, 18(8) (2018) .


Hair follicle growth and maturation are potentially useful for the treatment of skin injuries and diseases. For this consequence, the present study has investigated the potential of the Biofield Energy Healing (The Trivedi Effect®) Treated test item (William’s Medium E) on the vibrissae hair follicle organ culture cells for the assessment of hair cell growth and development in vitro. The test item was divided into two parts. One part was denoted as the untreated test item without any Biofield Energy Treatment, while the other part was defined as the Biofield Energy Treated test item, which received the Biofield Energy Healing Treatment by renowned Biofield Energy Healer, Dahryn Trivedi. The study parameters like bulb thickness and formation of telogen were assessed using cell-based assay with the help of UTHSCSA Image tool version 3. The experimental results showed that the untreated test item group showed 20% and 26.67% increased bulb thickness on day 5 and 7, respectively compared to the day 1. Besides, the percent of telogen follicle in the Biofield Energy Treated test item group exhibited 57%, 86%, and 100% on day 3, 5, and 7, respectively compared to day 1. The overall results demonstrated that the Biofield Energy Treatment has the potential for hair growth promotion as evident via increased the formation of telogen. Therefore, the Biofield Energy Healing (The Trivedi Effect®) Treatment might be useful as a hair growth promoter for various treatment of skin injuries and skin-related disorders like necrotizing fasciitis, actinic keratosis, sebaceous cysts, diaper rash, decubitus ulcer, etc.

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