Investigating the Impact of Statistical Multiplexing in DVB Systems - A Practical Study for DVB Services Improvement


Proceedings of the Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Fields 2013, 1. Zilina, Slovakia: EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina (2012) .

EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina


This paper presents a study on the impact of the multiplexing methods used in DVB, having as a final goal a better usage of the data capacity and the possibility to insert new services into the original DVB Transport Stream. The study revealed that not all DVB providers are using statistical multiplexing. Based on this study, we were able to offer a method to improve the original DVB stream. This method uses the detection of null packets, removes them and reinsert a new service, with a VBR content. The proposed method can be implemented even in statistical multiplexing systems, due to a residual use of null packets for data rate adjustment. This method can be applied in DVB-S to DVB-C translation, using the computing power of a PC.

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