Drying and Energy Recovery of Sludge


STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj University Press, Romania, Series: "CHEMIA, 55(4), 267-276 (2021) .


This paper presents some of the results of research on the introduction of the operation of drying sludge from wastewater treatment in treatment plants. Graphical representations of the experimentally determined values demonstrate the possibility of continuing the process of decreasing the humidity of dehydrated sludge, by mechanical means.
Sludge drying is presented as a simple operation that can be easily introduced into the sludge treatment process.
The second part of the paper presents a machine that could be executed with relatively small amounts in each treatment plant in order to achieve the drying of dehydrated sludge.
The paper presents characteristics of dehydrated sludges in Cluj and Sălaj counties as well as chemical analyzes performed on dehydrated sludges.
In conclusion, the paper argues that dry sludge can be removed from the
waste and turned into a material resource.
ISI Web of Knowledge

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