Chronopotentiometric study of oxygen reduction on a silver electrode

REVISTA DE CHIMIE (Bucharest Chemistry Library Press, Romania) , 40(11), .910-915 (1989) .


The paper reports a qualitative and quantitative chronopotentiometric study of the oxygen reduction on a silver electrode , in 1M KCl, 1M+0,01M KOH and 1M NaOH solutions. The silver electrode was subjected to an oxidative chemical pre-treatment in HNO3 1:2 or an electrochemical anodic pre-treatment in 1M H2SO4 in order to investigate the effect of the surface condition upon the reduction reaction in 1M KCl solutiona. The experimental method used was the amperostatic (constant current) chronopotentiometry.
C.Z. : 543.257.1:546.21
ISI Web of Science

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