Morphometric parameters slaughtering young mink

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Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7(2), 1420-1425 (2016) .


Studied carcasses and fur mink breed of pastel, sapphire, and a black shorthair, 5 samples of each breed, males and females (60 individuals). The live weight of females breed of black shorthair (1246,1 ± 76,29 g) than in females breed of pastel (1084,5 ± 45,2 g) and breed of sapphire (1082,2 ± 34,87 g). Herewith propensity to transfer feed to nutrients fat are females breed of pastel: 179,5 ± 17,36 g (16,27 ± 1,16% of body weight) vs. 211,0 ± 10,84 g and 275,2 ± 26.00 g of the breed of sapphire and black shorthair. Among males the largest individuals breed of pastel (2488 ± 48,5 g), the smallest-breed of sapphire (1737,9 ± 45,3 g). Here with males breed of pastel had the lowest weight of fat (19 ± 0,63%). Most prone to fat are males breed of black shorthair, whose mass of fat is 22,38 ± 0,86%. The studies revealed a line of regularities in the relationship morphometric parameters, which determined after slaughter, with the signs to use in the breeding of minks. When breeding mink to increase body weight, selected from the progeny of producers with low propensity to deposit fat (16%).

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